Question Kaspersky licence

in my opinion it should be forbidden to distribute licenses in licx format least as long as KTA cannot handle it.
after all, we are the KTA Forum, not the KRT forum.
how do you see it? more importantly, how does our boss see it?
Forbidden? That is a strong word. Pirated software, serials and cracks are also distributed in here. You don't have a problem with that, don't you? Or only licenses for Kaspersky that do not work for everybody is your cup of tea? If KTA cannot handle a licx license then use KRT Club. If you don't want to use a licx file for some unknown reason then use a lic file with KTA. What is the big deal and you are making such a fuss about it? Do you think that it is so important or hard to crack Kaspersky software and crackers should be in war because all this is just another competition? There is no competition between crackers that distribute software and license files for Kaspersky products. It is not so important!
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yes, forbid because it is not possible to process licx files with KTA. do not you understand? that has nothing to do with war. it is advertised through licx files for a software that you can only get with a subscription on another site. I thought this forum would be about KTA? for me it is distributing licx files is a clear chicane and and above all aggressive advertising to lure people into another paid forum. I think that's why our forum boss should have a problem with it. in my opinion, you should only offer files in a forum if you also offer the tools for processing these files. strange that so far no encouragement has been received, although so many are crying around in the other threads. your comparison just doesn't fit in here at all.
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yes, forbid because it is not possible to process licx files with KTA. do not you understand? that has nothing to do with war. it is advertised through licx files for a software that you can only get with a subscription on another site. I thought this forum would be about KTA? for me it is distributing licx files is a clear chicane and and above all aggressive advertising to lure people into another paid forum. I think that's why our forum boss should have a problem with it. in my opinion, you should only offer files in a forum if you also offer the tools for processing these files. strange that so far no encouragement has been received, although so many are crying around in the other threads. your comparison just doesn't fit in here at all.
You are way too absolute and strict for my taste. That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Just use an existing lic file found in this forum with the latest KTA and go on your merry way. What are you, the forum police?
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you are a troll for me. why licx files? KRT can also do .dat and .lic, so why licx? explain it to me. it's just chicane. your answer shows that you use KRT. Let's see, maybe others have something to say about this topic 🙂 I just share my opinion, that's what a forum is for. By the way, you don't have to quote if you're replying directly to the previous message. are you the quote-police?
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you are a troll for me. why licx files? KRT can also do .dat and .lic, so why licx? explain it to me. it's just chicane. your answer shows that you use KRT. Let's see, maybe others have something to say about this topic 🙂 I just share my opinion, that's what a forum is for. By the way, you don't have to quote if you're replying directly to the previous message. are you the quote-police?
NOBODY CAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS in almost EVERYTHING you have just said. It seems that you don't actually seek any resolution for a specific problem you are facing rather than stirring things up.
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you are not my problem. I won't let you become my problem either, you have to deal with that all by yourself. I raised a specific problem and you just want to put it nicely. so now troll alone. I no longer react to your nonsense.
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I don't like licx keys either
because the KRT-CLUB+KTA program does not detect them

I don't have any problem with LIC and DAT keys.
but what if in the future only LICX keys remain because current tools don't detect them?

From what I understand in your answer, LICX keys are offered with a new KRT-CLUB program that is paid
I don't know if I was wrong about that

I hope the admin will include in the KTA tool that it can detect LICX keys in the future.
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I don't like licx keys either
because the KRT-CLUB+KTA program does not detect them

I don't have any problem with LIC and DAT keys.
but what if in the future only LICX keys remain because current tools don't detect them?

From what I understand in your answer, LICX keys are offered with a new KRT-CLUB program that is paid
I don't know if I was wrong about that

I hope the admin will include in the KTA tool that it can detect LICX keys in the future.
There is no real incentive here for what you are asking. If all the Kaspersky licenses were distributed in the .licx format, then and only then, would be logical to demand from KTA to include the relative format. But, this is not the case here. In this forum, Kaspersky licenses are being distributed in various formats and you can easily get what you are asking for. So, what is the big deal? The topic starter is just plain stupid or he's trolling. Otherwise, i can't explain his fanatism.
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There is no real incentive here for what you are asking. If all the Kaspersky licenses were distributed in the .licx format, then and only then, would be logical to demand from KTA to include the relative format. But, this is not the case here. In this forum, Kaspersky licenses are being distributed in various formats and you can easily get what you are asking for. So, what is the big deal? The topic starter is just plain stupid or he's trolling. Otherwise, i can't explain his fanatism.
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From what I understand in your answer, LICX keys are offered with a new KRT-CLUB program that is paid
I don't know if I was wrong about that
how many times do i have to write this to you? every krt tool is and was chargeable. the one you are using was cracked by someone so you can use it without an account.

So, what is the big deal? The topic starter is just plain stupid or he's trolling. Otherwise, i can't explain his fanatism.
you are both, i never said anything like that, you stupid troll.
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