Wordfence - WordPress Security Plugins

Nulled Wordfence - WordPress Security Plugins 7.11.0

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Wordfence is the most downloaded security plugin for WordPress websites

Our WordPress security plugin provides the best protection available for your website. Powered by the constantly updated Threat Defense Feed, WordFence Firewall stops you from getting hacked. Wordfence Scan leverages the same proprietary feed, alerting you quickly in the event your site is compromised. Our Live Traffic view gives you real-time visibility into traffic and hack attempts on your website. A deep set of additional tools round out the most comprehensive WordPress security solution available.

Manage all of your sites in one place with
Wordfence Central
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The best kept secret in WordPress Security. Wordfence Central is Free for all Wordfence users including our Wordfence Free customers without any catch or upsell. Get an instantaneous view of the security posture of all your WordPress websites, configure Wordfence across a few or thousands of sites using templates, launch scans, manage licenses and view security events all from a Central Dashboard.
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